On All Saints’ Day (November 1 — one of those days that are so important to our faith that the entire church gathers in worship, even if it does not fall on a Sunday — we remember those whose Christian faith, life, holiness, teaching, and witness are universally recognized. They exhibit outstanding, unassailable conformity to Christ in attitude, thought, word, and deed. Many took the crown of martyrdom rather than succumb to the temptation to compromise, or the temptation to put their own well-being ahead of Christ’s mission for the Church. Their love is manifested in seeking for others a life of holiness that fits them for eternal joy in the presence of God. These “canonized” saints are souls whose lives can profitably serve as a yardstick against which to measure ourselves. Their teachings are recognized as trustworthy by the leadership of the Church, under the authority of the Holy Spirit. They continue to influence the faith and practice of the entire church and are deemed worthy of emulation.
On All Souls’ Day (November 2), we recall others, many of whom are no less holy or exemplary, but who lived their faith and followed Christ in greater obscurity. Some struggled with faith or were beset by challenges in their living. Many suffered; some despaired; some strayed. But they love still, and make their way toward the heart of God's love even now. We, who love them, pray for them and remember them fondly, desiring for them the fullness of heaven's joys. Some may not have found their way to a complete profession of faith in Jesus Christ, but we hope and pray that God finds them listening for the voice of the Good Shepherd, and will receive them into his flock.
Join us at 5:00 p.m. on November 2 to remember these brothers and sisters in Christ, some older, some younger. We begin with Evening Prayer in the Church, which includes a remembrance of all who are dear to our hearts. Weather permitting, we will conclude by bearing lights to the Columbarium as a sign of the triumph of Christ over the darkness of death.
On All Souls’ Day (November 2), we recall others, many of whom are no less holy or exemplary, but who lived their faith and followed Christ in greater obscurity. Some struggled with faith or were beset by challenges in their living. Many suffered; some despaired; some strayed. But they love still, and make their way toward the heart of God's love even now. We, who love them, pray for them and remember them fondly, desiring for them the fullness of heaven's joys. Some may not have found their way to a complete profession of faith in Jesus Christ, but we hope and pray that God finds them listening for the voice of the Good Shepherd, and will receive them into his flock.
Join us at 5:00 p.m. on November 2 to remember these brothers and sisters in Christ, some older, some younger. We begin with Evening Prayer in the Church, which includes a remembrance of all who are dear to our hearts. Weather permitting, we will conclude by bearing lights to the Columbarium as a sign of the triumph of Christ over the darkness of death.